Flower Arrangement for Delivery

Flower Arrangement for Delivery


A lush, hand-tied Garden Bouquet crafted with a variety of seasonal stems.  These are not your standard florist flowers.  I create uniquely beautiful bouquets bursting with many specialty blooms blended together in a pleasing color palette.  In addition, I grow all the flowers myself here at Birdhouse Blooms, so your flowers have not traveled many miles and arrive super fresh.  This also means you will get amazing vase life and delicate varieties standard florist arrangements do not include since these flowers don’t ship well.  I also do not apply any herbicides, pesticides, fungicides, wax sprays, spray paint, or preservatives to my blooms, making them completely natural and respectful to the environment.  Your Garden Bouquet Arrangement includes the jar, a hand written card, and delivery service. I currently deliver within 40 miles of The Cotton Company in Wake Forest, NC.

*Photos are of previously created bouquets and are provided as examples of my work.  Your bouquet will not copy the photo.  I will do my best to honor any special requests, but my selections will be 100% based on what is available in the garden at the time of your order.  Please rest assured your flower bouquet will be beautiful and designed with creativity and care.

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